CV of Failures
This idea is not mine, but due to a wonderful article [1] in Nature by Melanie Stefan, who is a Lecturer in the School of Biomedical Sciences at the University of Edinburgh.
I am also not the first one to post my CV of failures. Earlier examples are here, here, here, and here. I encountered this idea in a Chinese newsletter.
This CV is unlikely to be complete - it was written from memory and probably omits a lot of stuff. So if it’s shorter than yours, it’s likely because you have better memory, or because you’re better at trying things than me. —Johannes Haushofer


Degree Programs I Did Not Get into

  • 2017 — BS in Northeastern University
  • 2014 — High School Diploma in Dongguan High School


Awards and Scholarships I Did Not Get

  • 2023 — National Scholarship
  • 2023 — Excellent League Member


Paper Rejections from Academic Journals

  • 2023 — Electronics (Desk Rejection)
  • 2023 — Symmetry (Desk Rejection)
  • 2023 — Applied Sciences (Desk Rejection)


Courses and Tests I Failed

  • 2023 - 2024 — National Civil Servant Examination (failed three times)
  • 2019 — IELTS (Speaking: 5.5)
  • 2018 — Digital Systems and Logic Design
  • 2018 — College Physics (II-2)
  • 2018 — College Physics (II-1)
  • 2018 — CET-6 (Score: 399)



[1] Stefan, M. A CV of failures. Nature 468, 467 (2010). https://doi.org/10.1038/nj7322-467a